
Biogas is a gas composed mainly of methane and carbon dioxide in varying proportions, depending on the biodegradation of the organic matter in the absence of oxygen. It is a natural by-product of anaerobic digestion by microorganisms present in material derived from organic waste. organic waste..

Anaerobic digestion (AD) processes can occur in digesters (in biogas plants), wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) or landfills.

Types of material that can be digested include vegetable waste, manure, urban waste, rejects from the agri-food industry, aerobic sludge, etc. In brief, any organic waste or by-product can be harnessed.

The time has come to make Biomethane!

Genia bioenergy

Types of biogas plant

We propose three types of plant based on project needs for biogas production: self-supply or small biogas, waste to energy and valorisation.

Producing biogas for self-supply using organic waste is highly profitable for industry and for livestock farming. The advantage of biogas for self-supply is that it adds value to organic waste, which ceases to represent a costly and burdensome management task and becomes a source of savings. The biogas produced by the plant is used for energy self-supply while the digestate obtained in the process is used for compost and fertilizers.

The Harnessing organic waste, for energy valorisation, or waste-to-energy, entails the application of clean technologies for sustainable management of the organic waste we generate. This waste, known as municipal solid waste (MSW), originates in urban areas – in households, businesses, institutions and industrial zones in a town, city or region. The waste generated by a community can be used to produce energy at origin.

Waste valorisation can be achieved through the production of biogas, by composting and by anaerobic digestion. Composting is a biological process that transforms organic waste into compost or fertilizer for use in cultivation of crops. The biogas obtained can then be used to generate electricity and thermal energy and further valorisation can be achieved by upgrading it to biomethane.

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Small-scale Biogas plant for energy self-supply

"A customised, scalable and modular Biogas plant for self-consumption is called SmallBiogas".

Genia Bioenergy

The origin of biogas

Biogas is a mixture of various gases produced by degradation of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. It is generated by means of a biological process in which carbon-based organic matter serves as food for bacteria during anaerobic digestion.

Types of material that can be digested include vegetable waste, manure, urban waste, rejects from the agri-food industry, aerobic sludge, etc. In short, any organic waste or by-product can be harnessed.

The potential of biogas

Biogas is the only form of energy derived from renewable sources that can be used for all major energy applications (electricity, heat or as a fuel) and can be easily stored for use on demand.

This versatility makes anaerobic digestion the best option to valorise organic waste and foster a circular economic model.

"Biogas plants make it possible to manage organic waste in an ethical and sustainable way".

Biogas and waste management

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Waste management

Compliance with the waste management regulations.

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Generating biogas from organic waste.

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Generating biogas from organic waste as a source of energy for the company itself.

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Generating biogas from organic waste.

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Advantages of a biogas plant:

Organic waste can be transformed into a gas mixture called biogas. This mixture of several different gases – primarily composed of methane (CH4) is produced by anaerobic decomposition of organic matter. Renewable gas can be obtained from organic waste thanks to this process.

Proper waste management by means of a biogas plant helps meet regulations and laws. It also solves the question of agricultural waste, treatment plant sludge, etc.

The circular economy and valorisation of organic waste pose a challenge to contemporary society. The new regulations require full valorisation and traceability of waste until the final treatment. The entire value chain is responsible for mitigating or preventing the impact of waste-generating processes on the environment and has a legal duty to manage them properly.
Converting waste into a new resource is the best way to achieve this.

Biogas production is profitable for companies in the agri-food sector because it solves their waste management issues and valorisation enables them to obtain energy for self-supply or sale.

Landfills have a significant environmental impact due to the fact that they release toxic substances into the air, water and soil. Proper management of organic waste is thus crucial to enable its use in the biogas production process to generate clean energy.

Biogas production generates digestate, an enriched material that can be used as a soil amendment, compost or organic fertilizer.

Biogas is a versatile gas capable of producing electricity and heat for numerous applications.

Waste valorisation can be a new business line for farmers. Apart from producing extra income, it can create job opportunities and enhance the local economy.

Valorisation improves the rural economy by creating skilled jobs and adding value to organic waste and agricultural products in the vicinity of the digestion plant.