genia bioenergy
Valorisation by codigestion
The biogas plant located in Valderrobres is equipped with a codigestion valorisation system that integrates the entire process of production, management and sustainable valorisation of biowaste.

genia bioenergy
The biogas plant located in Valderrobres is equipped with a codigestion valorisation system that integrates the entire process of production, management and sustainable valorisation of biowaste.
In conjunction with Selev Biogroup and Grupo Arcoiris, Genia Bioenergy has launched a new biogas plant in Valderrobres, Teruel, Spain. The project aims to integrate the entire process of production, management and valorisation of biowaste by codigestion from the entire region within the framework of a circular economy model. This integration will result in significant environmental, financial and social benefits including energy self-sufficiency for the agricultural sector in Matarraña.
The facility is capable of converting up to 165,000 tonnes of waste per year into biogas and biofertilizers.
The slurry and other cosubstrates are managed and stored in the plant where the biowaste undergoes phased separation, biological treatment of the clarified liquid and anaerobic digestion of raw slurry, the solid fraction and the cosubstrates until the process culminates in biogas generation.
The biogas thus produced can be converted into electricity in a cogeneration plant and the digestates can be used to obtain easily-absorbed, phyto-sanitarily safe biofertilizers.
While slurry is an important part of the waste treated at the plant, other types of waste from the surrounding district such as agricultural waste and waste from the Grupo Arcoiris meat processing facility are also processed.
The plant will handle a minimum of 50% of its maximum annual capacity in slurry (120,000 m3) sourced from farms located within a radius of less than 7.5 km from the plant.
This ensures a reduced environmental impact in terms of transport and the nature of the end products.
Management of residual organic matter – namely, slurry and other waste – will contribute to reducing the emission of greenhouse gas by 24,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per annum.
The biofertilizers obtained from the digestates will prevent accumulation of nitrogen in the soil and introduce circular economy practices in local agriculture.
In addition to providing an efficient solution for biowaste management in the district, the project will generate ten direct and more than 25 indirect jobs.
In short, with implementation of this biogas plant in Valderrobres,the IAA (Aragón Water Board) ensures that treatment of slurry in the district will be sustainable and ecologically sound, free of environmental issues such as greenhouse gas emissions, nitrogen fixing in agricultural soils, contamination of aquifers, unpleasant odours and proliferation of insect pests.
The project also provides livestock farmers with an alternative solution for sustainable management of their waste.
A new biogas plant with the capacity to manage 165,000 tonnes of waste per year starts up.
A new biogas plant with the capacity to manage 165,000 tonnes of waste per year starts up.