
Green hydrogen is a renewable fuel.

Solar hydrogen

Production of hydrogen by means of photovoltaic solar energy.


Harnessing natural resources for generation of hydrogen.

The Hydrogen

Renewable hydrogen or green hydrogen is obtained by means of electrolysis of water driven by renewable electrical energy. Water (H2O) is decomposed by electrolysis (a continuous current of renewable electricity between electrodes connected to the water) into oxygen (O2) and hydrogen (H2).

The big advantage of this renewable gas is that it can be stored under pressure in dedicated tanks. This enables it to be transferred, as required, to fuel cells in which the hydrogen combines with atmospheric oxygen to generate electrical energy, obtaining water as a by-product.

Green or renewable hydrogen can be converted into electricity or fuel to meet commercial, transportation, industrial or even residential needs.

Genia bioenergy

How to obtain green hydrogen

Its characteristics make it the ideal fuel: It is lightweight, storable and generates no direct emissions of greenhouse gases or other pollutants. Find out how it is produced:


The process used to generate green hydrogen is called electrolysis. The electrolysis is the decomposition of water (H2O) into oxygen (O2) and hydrogen (H2) using electric power. This hydrogen can be converted back into electrical energy by means of fuel cells – electrochemical devices capable of converting the chemical energy contained in a fuel into electrical energy – as required.


Producing hydrogen from biogas or biomethane is an interesting alternative to electrolysis of water. Green hydrogen can be produced at its consumption point – in ports, service stations, refineries or fertilizer plants – at a more competitive cost than fossil fuels and with a smaller carbon footprint, on the basis of proper management of agro-industrial, livestock, agricultural, or municipal solid waste.


Green hydrogen can be obtained from a renewable source such as biomass. Cellulose can be converted into H2 2 by various thermochemical processes such as combustion, liquefaction, pyrolysis or gasification. Gasification of biomass in the presence of O2 generates a hydrogen-rich gas stream that can be re-formed using steam at the gasifier outlet to produce additional hydrogen.

solar bio solutions


Green hydrogen: a key component in the energy transition

An energy vector that fosters change

Genia Bioenergy

An energy vector that fosters change

The energy transition is one of the key policy concepts set forth in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan that the Spanish Government presented in October 2020. Decarbonisation of the economy is one of the central criteria of the 2030 Agenda. An effective energy transition is indispensable to achieve its goals.

This in turn entails transformation to an inclusive, sustainable, affordable and secure energy system that provides solutions to global energy-related challenges and creates value for companies and for society in general.

Green hydrogen is fast becoming a key component of this scenario.

Green hydrogen will be used as fuel in the transport sector mainly for heavy and long-distance carriage. As for industry, application of hydrogen will be aimed at replacing polluting fossil fuels such as natural gas or coal in heat-generation processes.

“Green hydrogen will be a key aspect of the global sustainable development scenario until 2050.”

The advantages of green hydrogen

solar bio solutions


Green hydrogen is fast becoming a key component in the transformation to an inclusive, sustainable, affordable and secure energy system.

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Due to its large-scale storage capacity, hydrogen can facilitate integration of renewable energies into the electricity sector.

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Green hydrogen will be used as fuel in the transport sector mainly for heavy and long-distance carriage.

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What you need to know about hydrogen

The Hydrogen Roadmap is the result of participation by various economic agents, government departments and citizens who have contributed input, especially by proposing numerous innovative projects during the various stages of the renewable-hydrogen value chain. This energy vector will be a key factor in decarbonisation of the Spanish economy.

The 2021-2030 National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (Spanish initials PNIEC) devotes its measure 1.8 to fostering renewable gases. It refers to the existence of different types of renewable gases; primarily but not exclusively biogas, biomethane and renewable hydrogen.

The Draft Law on Climate Change and Energy Transitiontabled by Cabinet in the Spanish Parliament on 19 May 2020 states that the government will foster market penetration by renewable gases including biogas, biomethane and renewable hydrogen, among others, by adopting specific plans.

Hydrogen is generally classified into the following types:

Renewable or green hydrogen, either generated by electrolysis powered by renewable electricity or hydrogen obtained by reforming biogas or by biochemical conversion of biomass.

Blue hydrogen: hydrogen obtained in a similar way to grey hydrogen but employing carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) methods that enable a reduction of up to 95% of CO2 emissions generated during the process.

Grey Hydrogen: produced from natural gas or other light hydrocarbons such as methane or liquefied petroleum gases by means of processes such as such as methane reformation.

In addition to the above there are other processes with highly diverse environmental impacts such as black or brown hydrogen that use coal, nuclear energy or grid electricity as their power sources. These are excluded from the above classification due to the difficulty of quantifying the environmental impact of their production and consumption processes.

The resulting hydrogen can be found in several different states. Various factors such as the production and consumption flow rate at each point (Nm3/h), the distance from the production plant to the consumption point(s), the complementarity of the end uses, the suitability of the gas for final conditioning and its use in different consumption types must be taken into account to determine the best means of transporting and storing the gas.

The last stage of the value chain has to do with the end uses of renewable hydrogen. These uses are many and varied and largely depend on whether the hydrogen is used directly as a form of energy or indirectly in another product that uses it as raw material. If we restrict ourselves to a consideration of the uses of hydrogen in its natural form, it can be used directly as a fuel, an energy carrier or as a raw material in industrial processes.

Application of renewable hydrogen in the transport sector will materialise as use of
hydrogen fuel cells (FCs), devices that perform reverse electrolyses.
In other words, they use hydrogen produced from renewable sources to generate electricity, which in turn provides the
electrical energy to power fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs). Fuel cells are usually installed in combination with rechargeable electric batteries that recharge during operation of the vehicle either by regenerative braking or by means of the fuel cell itself that can produce energy for recharging and trickle-charging to maintain optimum charge levels.